This site is dedicated to celebrating Tasmania’s craft culture, the respectful, sustainable use of our unique timbers and to supporting Tasmania’s designers and makers. We invite you to explore the nature and management of the forests, the unique timbers and their contribution to the story of Tasmania and of people transforming valuable timber into valued objects.
Throughout history, timber has been used create useful items, build homes and make decorative objects; Tasmania’s timber history reflects this human tradition. Our unique timbers were central to the establishment of Van Diemen’s Land.
The traditional, cultural core of crafting beautiful objects from a timber remains; overlaid with an equal passion for the conservation of the ecosystem from which it was sourced and the sustainability of the species.
The traditional, cultural core of crafting beautiful objects from a timber remains; overlaid with an equal passion for the conservation of the ecosystem from which it was sourced and the sustainability of the species.
Tasmania has a proud history of craftsmanship, creating objects with passion, care, and attention to detail with a quality that is honed, refined, and practiced over the course of a career, or a lifetime.