The special timbers and woodcraft industry has made a long, unique and beneficial contribution to Tasmania. It has provided people with livelihoods, engaging hobbies and interest, helped build strong social capital and importantly made a strong contribution to Tasmania’s tourism, product & design position in national and global markets.
It delivers this within a contemporary, sustainability framework, a philosophy that links and delivers a balance of social, environmental and economic benefits.
Tasmania’s special timbers are a renewable, biological resource. Well managed industries within this part of the economy operate on a sustainable basis; Tasmania’s Special timbers woodcraft sector is one of these industries.
“We share cultural expressions that have been passed from one generation to another, have evolved in response to their environments and contribute to giving us a sense of identity and continuity”
This statement from The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) captures the essence of the social benefits derived from the ongoing nature of the woodcraft sector in Tasmania.
“We share cultural expressions that have been passed from one generation to another, have evolved in response to their environments and contribute to giving us a sense of identity and continuity”
This statement from The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) captures the essence of the social benefits derived from the ongoing nature of the woodcraft sector in Tasmania.
The economic and social benefit is demonstrated by significant output, participation, centres and events.